AEDP therapy for virtual clients in austin, tx

what is AEDP therapy? AEDP stands for accelerate experiential dynamic psychotherapy. it’s not as complicated as it sounds. a core component of AEDP, and my personal ethos, is the concept that humans are naturally inclined towards growth and healing. we see this all the time in the ways that our body repairs a paper cut or fights off a cold. AEDP therapy can help clients reconnect with their healing power through addressing blocks and obstacles to healing and getting people back in touch with their core emotions. it’s all about slowing down, staying with emotions and sensations, and allowing them to move through, without avoiding or clinging to them.

the experiential aspect of AEDP can allow for corrective, transformative experiences by really getting into the guts of past experiences and trying new things. this could look like a re-parenting conversation with yourself or simply doing something differently in your recollection of the moment.